Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Journey of 10,000 Steps

One of the components of the Cinch Plan is to walk 10,000 steps a day.

One of the components of the Just 10 LBS program is to do a moving meditation daily.


I love walking.
This was a good day. 
11,493 steps !

It’s not always easy to walk 10,000 steps in a day.   
You have to make it happen.
Have you tried?  How many steps do you walk in a day?  

You might be surprised to see how little most of us walk every day, without really measuring.

Wear a pedometer. It’s actually fun to see.  Get competitive with a spouse or friend.

A suggestion I’ve heard is to wear a pedometer doing your normal routine (whether it includes a walk or not) for a week, recording the number of steps.   Don’t panic if you are several thousand away from 10,000. 

Take an average, then add 10% to set your daily goal.   Repeat this every week until you are walking 10,000 steps a day.

If you are interested in getting $100 of FREE Cinch Products, today is the last opportunity.

I Am Worth This Work !


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