Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reclaiming What Works!

Yesterday, I followed the advice to plan ahead, and restocked my home with good body-honoring foods – I love that term – body-honoring.  I keep using it to remind myself to choose things that are body honoring.

This morning I pulled out my workbook and went to work! 

The workbook, available for FREE at is a necessary part of the process, in my opinion.  You can use your own journal, however for me answering the questions & prompts right on the page is what really bring some things forth.  I don’t know that I’d have the same experience using a journal alone.

Step 2 – Start a Moving Meditation prompted me to examine the ways I’ve been moving & when the most active parts of my life were.  I listed my exercise likes and dislikes.  There's a lot of exercise I don't like.  As I looked at the times in my life when I felt the most healthy, I came to reclaim some exercise choices I had made in the past.  The time when I felt most alive!  The time when I looked my best!

Funny thing is, it wasn’t jogging, aerobics or sweating to the oldies.  (Remember that?)

It was a program I followed in the 90’s called Callanetics.  Callan Pinkney instructs you through the video reminding you to move slowly with a serene voice.  Callanetics is a series of small, gentle, precise motions consistently applied that activate the body's largest most powerful muscles. 

Hmmmm….  That sounds like a moving meditation.  

I dug through my bookshelf and found the original VHS tapes I used to use.  (I still have a VHS player).  I can’t wait to get started again.  I was really excited when I came to this realization. 

Of course, I will be updating to the DVD.  (How long can that VHS tape last?  lol ) It is the same exact program – not an updated production.  If you want to check it out, I put a link over there on the right.

I Am Worth This Work.


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