Thursday, April 14, 2011

They Say a Picture is Worth 1000 Words

They say a picture is worth 1000 words.    

You tell me.

You might remember the pictures I shared with you when I first started this process and my blog.

While discussing the changes in my body with my husband and talking about doing a before & after (for now) picture, he said how he always doubts those before & after pictures in advertisements.  Different clothes.  Different Angles. 

Well, we are not professional photographers.  We did the best we could with the angle.  I pulled out that swim suit cover-up so you & I could get the same perspective.


They say a picture is worth 1000 words.

You tell me.

I'd say Cinch & Just 10 LBS is working !!

I Am Worth This Work!



  1. this is beautiful. congrats lisa!!!!

  2. Wow, Wow, Wow, I can't wait to have an "after" picture like yours!! Just a few days till my Cinch is in.

  3. Absolutely AWESOME!!! So very Proud of you my friend!!!!!

  4. Looking good. Love the picture!
