Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 30

It has arrived. 

January 21st I started following this program.  It has had it’s challenges…still does.  I am aware of my stress eating.  Aware doesn’t always mean I am successful, in not eating under stress.  I am a work in progress.

In 30 days I have whittled down:
9 ½ inches,
2% Body Fat, &
4.5 Pounds.

My BMI has dropped from 27.2 to 26.5.  

Below 25 will have me out of the Overweight Range and into the Healthy Range 
Do you want a quick analysis of your BMI?

So where does that leave me?  I knew when I started this process, this was a journey – not a quick trip.  
I am a work in progress.

Tomorrow I will tell you how I am going to proceed.

I Am Worth This Work!



  1. You certainly are worth it! Keep up the great progress!

  2. Keep up the great work Lisa! And you are worth it and never forget how FABULOUS you are!
