Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Forgive Me For I Have…..

Let’s talk about the Just 10 Commandments
I posted on Sunday.

Most of them are pretty clear cut –
Rules of the Game you might say. 
And most of them are fairly easy for me to follow – some I came to this process with,
and some that I’ve consciously
made the choice to follow.

Which ones are challenging for me? 

#3)   You will not snack larger than your fist. 

            In most instances this one is fine.  When I hit the wall and shatter this commandment is with popcorn.  I’ve changed my favorite snack from popped in oil, buttered & excessively salted to air-popped, lightly buttered, very lightly salted, and generously garlic powdered.  I still like a generous quantity of popcorn.  I am counting it among my calories and using it as an occasional snack.

#8)   You will “turn your food over”.

            No, this isn’t some weird ritual where if you flip the food on your plate the calories fall out - Although that would have made this blog popular. ;)  Turn it over means to lay out your meals for others to see.  Tell your buddy - A way to hold yourself accountable.  Wow – I am not a great planner of meals.  I never had the weekly menu planned and hanging on the refrigerator.  I made dinner depending on what I felt like making.  Not a great strategy.  I’ve shared with you that I am using Cinch products for breakfast.  I am using Cinch products to plan ahead if I have a busy day – not going to be home for lunch or dinner.  I have my Cinch with me.  I am trying to be very conscious that I plan my dinners to be healthy, nourishing meals – just not in advance.  I have stocked by kitchen & freezer with body-honoring foods for meal making.  For now, that’s where I am.  Baby Steps Count Too.

I Am Worth This Work!


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