Saturday, February 12, 2011

Inch by Inch......

It’s time for an update on my results.

It’s been 3 weeks since I’ve started this process.

I have lost a Grand Total of 9 ¼ inches !!!!!!!


I have included a picture example of where to take your major measurements. Feel free to suck it in when you measure your waist.  As Dr. Oz says – you can’t suck in fat!

The waist measurement is very important, some say more important than the number on the scale.

Studies I’ve read suggest that health risks begin to increase when a woman's waist reaches 31.5 inches and her risk jumps substantially once her waist expands to 35 inches or more. For men, risk starts to climb at 35 inches, but it becomes a bigger worry once their waists reach or exceed 40 inches.

I am excited to say my waist has gone from 32” to 30” in 3 weeks!

My hip measurement has gone from 42” to 39 1/4 “ in 3 weeks & I’ve lost a full inch off of each of my thighs!

Tomorrow I’ll tell you about the scale.
I Am Worth This Work!



  1. Very exciting! Great results from your I am wondering about my waist measurement. Hmmm....

  2. Lisa-
    Congratulations on all the inches you've lost! That's fantastic. Keep up the good work; I'm routing for you. I've read too that waist measurement is extremely important. Sometimes inches lost is more important than weight loss. And if you are working out, sometimes in the beginning you will lose inches rather than weight, because muscle weighs more.
    Can't wait to hear about the scale.

  3. YEAH!!!!! WAAHHOOOO!!! Great job Lisa!!
