Friday, February 11, 2011

On A Diet ????

Greetings Everyone! 

I know there are quite a few of you out there following my blog.  I really appreciate it.

I appreciate those that posted their comments, those of you lurking anonymously, & those of you that I have seen over the past few days who have offered your encouragements, mentions of the differences you see, & your excitement to see what’s next.

Stay tuned tomorrow for an update on my results.

I had a busy day today with networking events where I publicly declared my intentions and invited more followers.  I love the accountability.

The other day my husband was helping a family friend – she treated him to a fast food lunch and wanted to bring some back for me.  Mike told her I was on a diet.  (Truthfully we don’t eat fast food meals and haven’t in many, many years.) 

I started thinking about those words “on a diet”.  To me that sounds like for a finite time.  I’m not “on a diet”.  I am making a lifestyle changes - for my entire life.

I am changing my relationship with food.      

I am changing my relationship with fitness.

Which brings me to what I am really doing…...

I am changing my relationship with ME!

I Am Worth This Work!
